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Rosa Mundi explores the concept of cultural relativism through the symbolic use of spectacles. The lenses represent the personal filter through which each individual observes the world, influenced by their own experiences and culture. A gold leaf on the frame symbolises the beauty of different perspectives, highlighting the value of free thinking and the importance of the coexistence of opinions.

Mare Internum Nostrum CE

In this work, the artist reflects on the meaning of borders and the Mediterranean as a place of unity and tragedy.
The work critiques indifference to migrant deaths and plastic pollution, representing the eyes of an owl and future underwater archaeology.
Lenses made from surprise toys symbolize the European border and the “EC” logo.

Gramático Look

This work depicts religious symbols-the Star of David, the Cross, and the Eye of Allah-to represent the coexistence of the Abrahamic religions.
The work invites reflection on the power and influence of faith, promoting understanding and peace rather than conflict.

The sharp look

This work depicts religious symbols, indicating how religious doctrines influence the worldview of believers. The work emphasizes the common origin of the Abrahamic religions and the need for harmony and mutual understanding. Faith can lead to love or conflict if misinterpreted or used absolutistically.

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